Oral Health Programs for Albertans

A variety of dental health programs are available to help Albertans cover the cost of their dental care needs. As health professionals, dentists are committed to caring for you and your overall health and are always willing to discuss payment options with you, including the various dental support programs.

Alberta Health Services Community Oral Health programs

The Government of Alberta has the following low-income dental programs for Albertans in financial need and without access to dental insurance:

Government of Alberta low-income dental programs

Visit Alberta Health Services for more information on their oral health programs.

Community dental clinics

There are a variety of options to help you take care of your dental needs:

university of alberta oral health clinic

The Oral Health Clinic operated by the Mike Petryk School of Dentistry at the University of Alberta offers a full range of general and specialty dental services for the public at affordable, competitive prices. Anyone who is four years of age and older is welcome. Minors must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian. This service is available from September through April.

Alex Dental Health Bus

The Alex Dental Health Bus visits high-need elementary schools and community sites in Calgary to teach kids the importance of dental hygiene and provide preventative services, such as sealants, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. The Alex’s Dental Health Program serves children and youth between the ages of three and 24, at no cost to you.   

Radius Community Health & Healing (formerly Boyle McCauley Health Centre)

Radius delivers high-quality care to vulnerable Albertans in Edmonton who may otherwise have to go without any care at all. Dental care is available if you cannot access care due to health concerns, social barriers, or financial hardship.

SHINE Dental Clinic

The SHINE (Student Health Initiative for the Needs of Edmonton) Dental Clinic is a student-run organization established through the University of Alberta and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Based out of Radius Community Health & Healing, the organization provides dental care for youth in need at no cost to patients.

Public Health Dental Clinics

General practitioner dentists provide reduced-fee dental treatment to eligible low-income individuals or families who do not have dental insurance. Choose one of the available locations to view eligibility criteria, hours of operation, contact information, and a street map.


Red Deer

Free urgent dental care service is available for clients ages 5 to 18 who have no dental insurance, a lower income, and pain, infection, visible decay, or broken teeth. You will be asked to provide proof of income (i.e., pay stubs, notice of assessment).

Worker’s Compensation Board

If you are injured at work and need medical treatment, the Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB) may be able to assist you throughout your recovery.

Catholic Social Services Alberta

Catholic Social Services is one of the largest multi-functional social service agencies in Canada. They offer a variety of programs to assist families, seniors, children, and adults with disabilities.

Federal programs for immigrants

The Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) provides limited, temporary coverage of healthcare benefits for specific groups of people in Canada who don’t have provincial, territorial, or private healthcare coverage. These groups include resettled refugees, protected persons in Canada, refugee claimants, victims of human trafficking, and immigration detainees held under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

Alberta Children’s Hospital

The Alberta Children’s Hospital provides services for children 17 years and younger presenting with:

  • Significant special medical needs
  • Unique and challenging dental problems requiring additional expertise (e.g., amelogenesis imperfecta, ectodermal dysplasia, major oligodontia, velopharyngela incompetency)
  • Dental-related emergencies (e.g., trauma, severe infection)

Additional health programs, services, and supports

The Alberta Health Care Insurance Program

The Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) provides eligible Alberta residents with full coverage for medically necessary physician services, and some dental and oral surgical health services. Most residents of Alberta are already accessing this coverage through Alberta Health Services. If you’re a new or returning resident, you must apply for coverage.

Oral and Maxillofacial Devices and Services (OMDS)

The OMDS program may provide funding for some high-cost dental services required in conjunction with an oral surgical procedure insured under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. This means Albertans may have access to funding that supports certain procedures. such as severe oral/facial conditions caused by birth defects, jaw abnormalities (tumours), major facial trauma, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Benefits are limited to payment for services such as orthodontics, prosthodontics, dental implants, and pre-surgical work-up fees. For more information on this program and whether or not your dental surgery is eligible, talk to your dentists and/or dental team.

Read the full schedule (outline of coverage) for OMDS.

The Alberta Cancer Foundation

The Alberta Cancer Foundation raises funds in support of cancer research and prevention programs and to enhance patient care at Alberta’s 17 cancer centres, including the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton and the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary.