Maintaining good oral health remains important because it not only benefits your dental health but can also influence your overall health and quality of life. On the bright side, dental disease is preventable.
To help keep your teeth and gums healthy:
- Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride
- Visit a dentist at least every six months and bring a list of the medications you are taking
- Brush real or replacement teeth at least twice daily
- Floss real or replacement teeth at least once a day
- Call your dentist if any change in your mouth persists beyond 14 days
The best way to prevent dental conditions is through early detection. Daily mouth care and regularly visiting your dentist will help you to prevent and/or control dental disease and maintain good dental health.
Learn more about the different ways to care for your mouth and prevent dental disease:
Oral Health Basics

Tips for Good Oral and Overall Health
Oral health is a huge contributor to your overall health and wellbeing. When you’re experiencing pain, missing teeth, or have an oral infection, it can influence the way you speak, eat, and socialize.
Dental Care for People with Special Needs
One of the Canadian Dental Association’s (CDA) top priorities is to advocate for accessible oral health care for all of Canada’s populations, including vulnerable groups who require special oral health care.

The ADA supports water fluoridation as a safe, effective method for preventing dental cavities.

Oral Health Programs for Albertans
The Government of Alberta has various low-income dental programs for Albertans in financial need without access to dental insurance.
The Canada Dental Benefit for Kids
As of December 1, 2022, eligible families can apply for the interim Canada Dental Benefit for children under 12. The Dental Benefit Act received royal assent on November 17, 2022.
Life has returned to normal for most of us, but there is still a possibility of contracting COVID-19. Here’s some tips and resources to help keep you safe during a visit with your dentist.
Cannabis can have a serious impact on your oral health.
Dental Emergencies
Accidents, sports-related injuries, tooth decay, and infection can cause dental emergencies. Learn about some common dental emergencies and how to deal with them.
Smoking & Vaping
Smoking and chewing tobacco products are bad for your health and your teeth. Learn about the many risks involved with vaping and smoking.
The Dental Exam
What to expect during your visit to the dentist.