Healthy dentists
Healthy Albertans

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Visiting the Dentist

Your dentist wants to help you fully understand your treatment options and associated costs before making dental care decisions. Learn more about the dental team, fees and support programs for Albertans.

oral health information

Dental Benefits

It’s important to know how your dental plan can help you and how it works. Whether you have a dental plan or not, the first step is always talking to your dentist to establish your dental health needs.


The ADA supports water fluoridation as a safe, effective method for preventing dental cavities.

Oral Health Programs for Albertans

The Government of Alberta has various low-income dental programs for Albertans in financial need without access to dental insurance.

Latest dental news

Doing More: Josh Benner takes the helm of the U of A Dental Students’ Association

An enthusiastic and energetic volunteer, Josh Benner believes in the power of participation.

Dr. Suzy Depledge on Access to Oral Health Care in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities

ADA Director Dr. Suzy Depledge on the Dentistry for All Initiative, providing oral health care to broader communities, and about reducing the costs associated with providing dentistry services to remote and rural Indigenous communities.

Dr. Carol Martin: Adventures in Rural Dental Practice

ADA Board Member Dr. Carol Martin writes about why she decided to practice in rural Alberta and some of the experience she has had over the past 33 years.

About Us

Our members are clinicians, entrepreneurs, leaders, mentors and deeply embedded in their community. We help dentists optimize every aspect of their personal and practice lives because we believe that healthy dentists mean healthy patients.