An enthusiastic and energetic volunteer, Josh Benner believes in the power of participation.
“The more you put in, the more you get out of it,” says the newly-elected president of the University of Alberta Dental Students’ Association. In fact, Benner’s Instagram bio includes the motto “Do More” – a philosophy the 26-year-old clearly lives by.
“It allows me to meet more people. It just opens you up to more experiences, which has been really cool,” says Benner, a fourth-year Doctor of Dental Surgery student.
For Benner, taking on the top role with the association – which acts as a liaison between dental and hygiene students and faculty, and organizes fundraising activities – seemed a natural progression.
Since his undergraduate days as a health science student at Mount Royal University in Calgary, where he was born and raised, Benner says he’s tried to participate in campus life as much as possible. And, since starting at the U of A, he’s maintained that philosophy, volunteering for numerous events such as the DDS orientation and the charity ball fundraiser.
In his time as a DDS student, Benner has been recognized twice by the Edmonton & District Dental Society for student “service, leadership and personal character.”
With two uncles who are dentists, Benner was introduced early on to dentistry as a possible career. And later, when he was about 12, he says he realized his interests and personality aligned perfectly with dentistry. “I’ve always had a passion for science, working with my hands, and working with people and talking to people,” says the self-admitted extrovert.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because we are all going to make them. And those are things that you will remember, and that you will learn from.
Today, on the cusp of fulfilling his childhood dream, Benner has no doubt he chose the right career. He says it’s deeply gratifying to help ease someone’s pain or to complete an aesthetic treatment. “Seeing the patient smile and be super happy is really fulfilling. And that keeps you driven and motivated,” he says.
Though Benner says his own experience as a dental patient has been pleasant – “I’ve never had a filling or anything like that” – he acknowledges some people still fear a visit to the dentist. That’s something he hopes to change “one patient at a time,” by connecting with them using the communication skills he’s developed as a student and volunteer.
Throughout his time at the U of A, Benner says he’s mindful of the advice he received from a fourth-year student while a newbie in the DDS program: “Stay humble. Keep your ego in check.”
That advice has been invaluable as he’s worked and studied in a collaborative environment, he says, while navigating the gruelling demands of the program. Now, Benner has his own advice for incoming students: “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because we are all going to make them. And those are things that you will remember, and that you will learn from.”
As he prepares to graduate next year, Benner is looking ahead to enriching his own learning.
He plans to return to Calgary and, for the first couple of years, practice dentistry on the Siksika First Nation, southeast of the city. “It’ll allow me to be busy and hone my skills,” says Benner, who’s a big believer in life-long learning.

Despite the busy road ahead, Benner has no plans to stop “doing more.” He hopes to one day join a charitable organization to provide dental care overseas.
“I’ve made a lot of friends through [volunteering], because at the end of the day it just brings everybody together. We all have a common goal.”
This article appears in the September/November 2024 edition of the ADA Connection magazine.
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